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Stefan Tilkov talks with Jay Fields, author of the book Working Effectively with Unit Tests, about unit testing in practice. Topics include how to write good unit tests, what mistakes to avoid, and different categories of unit tests. Jay explains the value of unit tests and why you might want to delete them if you created them for test-driven development (TDD) purposes. He also goes into detail about best practices for working with unit tests.
Show Notes
Related Links:
- Jay’s Twitter account: @thejayfields
- Jay’s book, “Working Effectively with Unit Tests,”
- Wikipedia definition of unit tests,
- Original article on unit tests,
- “xUnit Test Patterns,”
- “The Art of Unit Testing,”
- Martin Fowler on TDD,
- Is TDD dead? A series of conversations between Kent Beck, David Heinemeier Hansson, and Martin Fowler on TDD and its impact on software design,
- “Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests,”
- Kevlin Henney on unit testing,
- Michael Feathers’s website,
- Articles by Brian Marick,
- ObjectMother: Easting Test Object Creation in XP,
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Over the past decade, unit testing has become a core aspect of development. Instead of being neglected, testing is now aligned with the idiom “the more the better.” But have development teams turned testing into dogma, and in so doing lost sight of keeping a balance between costs and benefits? Are developers now creating more technical debt by writing unmaintainable tests? How much coverage is enough? Can you have too many tests? In this episode, host Stefan Tilkov explores this and other issues surrounding unit testing with software engineer Jay Fields, author of Working Effectively with Unit Tests.
You can hear the entire interview online at Portions of the interview not included here for space include what to test; testing boundaries between systems, stubs, and mocks; validation; and test patterns.
Stefan Tilkov (ST): The original article on this topic was “Test Infected: Programmers Love Writing Tests.” Do programmers love writing tests? If they don’t, what’s a good way to get them to love tests?
Jay Fields (JF): I think the first time you start writing tests, you fall in love with a couple of things, like being able to play around without impacting production code. You can experiment a little in your tests. I don’t know many programmers who don’t love experimenting. I also think they love the confidence you can gain from writing tests. It’s very easy to fall in love with code where you can be playful and then tell yourself, “There’s also value to this code; it’s giving me confidence in my application.”
For those who don’t love it, I think they fall into two categories. The first is people who believe they don’t have enough time to write tests. I think that’s a terrible justification. If you don’t have time to write tests, it’s possibly because you’re always debugging. Maybe you wouldn’t have to debug so often if you were writing tests.
The second category consists of people who have worked with tests, but the tests haven’t provided them as much value as they expected. For people in that category, I would encourage them to do more of what they were already doing, but see if there’s another way to write tests that would give them more value in the future.
ST: What things do people do wrong when they write unit tests?
JF: A lot of people conflate test-driven development [TDD] and unit testing as if they’re the same thing, but they’re not. A test that you use to TDD a new feature for your application is not guaranteed to be a valuable test for you in the long term. Sometimes the best thing to do is to delete the test. Maybe you wrote the test because at the time you weren’t really sure how you wanted things to work, and now you have a working feature, so you want to keep it. But maybe one user wants to use this feature every three months, and if things go wrong, nobody cares. You get a phone call and maybe you update a database table yourself or something trivial like that. Do you really want to strap yourself with additional code that you have to maintain over time? It’s more likely that that feature will change—to either become more valuable or go away—than it is that a bug will creep into the feature itself and that your test will save you.
ROI is something I like to use when I talk about tests. You have to look at each test and ask yourself, “What’s the return on investment for this test?” If a test is only, at best, going to save me from getting a phone call once every six months, then I don’t want to maintain it in my code base. If the test helped you TDD, fantastic—but does it still need to be here? If the answer is no, then you need to delete it.
Let’s say you already wrote a test that helped you TDD it—it doesn’t mean it’s the best test to maintain that code going forward. Look at the code again. Ask somebody else, “If this test were failing right now, what clues would you want in order to figure out the source of the problem as fast as possible?” Then you can change the test from a test that helped you deliver to one that helps you maintain value over time.
ST: Assuming you want to create something that’s valuable in the long run, what things do you have to think about? What makes a test good and maintainable under that circumstance?
JF: One thing that bothers maintainers is how much test code you have to wade through before you can figure out what’s actually wrong. Whenever I see your test failing, what kind of clues does the test give me? Does it tell me where I can look in the domain to figure out what’s going on?
It’s more than likely when a test is failing that it surprises you because it seems unrelated to what you’re doing. You’re annoyed because you want to move on. It’s breaking and you don’t know why.
If you open it and you can pretty quickly figure out what’s going on by just looking at the broken method, you can probably just move on. But if you open it and find some variable in there, say a field-level variable in a Java class, and it’s declared at the top and initialized somewhere (but you don’t really know where), then you have to find where it’s used. Maybe you find a setup method, or maybe you find the helper method. You start navigating around but you’re moving farther and farther away, chasing something that seems unrelated to what you wanted to do.
Programmers practice DRY [don’t repeat yourself], but I think repeating yourself in ways that will enable someone who’s never seen the test before to more quickly understand what’s going on can be a good thing. It’s great to apply DRY to the test suite level. For example, running all your database updates in a transaction and then rolling everything back is obviously a good idea rather than trying to do that in every single test individually.
Within a single test, obviously, you don’t want to repeat too many things. But when it comes to a grouping of tests for maintainers, maybe the best thing is not knowing that there’s a grouping of tests. When a group of tests all fail together, then you know to look at the infrastructure code. The grouping is valuable because it helps you make sense of the failures. But when two out of five tests in a group fail, you first need to understand all the logic built into the grouping. Every second you spend trying to understand the infrastructure that applies to the other three that are still passing is a waste.
You should avoid any type of looping, constructs, or reflection if possible. Basically, what you want are straightforward tests that you can easily navigate. Only navigate into domain code when necessary, if possible.
ST: You’re saying that there are different rules for the test code and for the rest of the system. Should test code be as maintainable as the production code, or more or less?
JF: It really makes no sense—even from a high level—to approach these two pieces of code in the same way. The test should be approached from value: what is the value of the test with respect to keeping the application up and running? In production, pretty much all code should be created equally. A bug in some trivial feature could just as easily take down the system if it throws an exception.
You want to apply different thinking to your tests. For tests, readability is more important than performance. But, at the same time, performance is still going to be important enough on a different scale. I work in the trading industry, where milliseconds are important to us. Individual milliseconds for tests are not a big deal, but when the test suite starts to run at around 10 minutes [which is a long time for us], you have to wonder if people are going to keep using that test suite. There are a lot of tradeoffs, but I think you start with readability because you want people to be able to maintain your tests and then start making tradeoffs where necessary.
ST: A debate recently took place between Kent Beck, Martin Fowler, and David Heinemeier Hansson about whether unit tests are a waste of time. Did you follow it, and do you have an opinion on it?
JF: I did follow it and agree that the kind of tests David talks about are a waste of time. I hope they did delete them and that they’re dead. But that doesn’t mean everybody is spending time that they shouldn’t on testing. I think there are plenty of unit tests out there that are very helpful.
You’re going to get what you put into it. Like I said before, it’s very easy to write terrible tests, and it’s very easy to then blame the tests. I advise every single person out there who is writing tests that are not making them more productive to just stop. If they’re not making you more productive, you shouldn’t do it. You can replace the time spent writing tests with any other [productive] activity. I applaud [Hansson] for coming out saying that this sacred cow is not necessarily what it’s made out to be. I think more people should delete their tests if they’re not finding them helpful.
But then they have a choice to make: Do you want to just go without tests? Do you want to go without that confidence? You didn’t start out with a test suite that was all bad. At some point, it was providing you value. Now, do you want to invest in trying to write better unit tests? I think testing is worth investing in, unless you’ve found some other way to get the same level of confidence [without it]. But I don’t know what that would be.
ST: I originally planned to ask you whether there’s such a thing as having too many tests, but I think you just answered it.
JF: Too many tests is the same as not enough tests. In both cases it’s suboptimal. Whether you waste time debugging because you don’t have enough tests or you waste time maintaining tests that don’t need to be there, at the end of the day both of those things amount to waste.
ST: What do you think about a metric such as code coverage? Is that a useful thing?
JF: I do think that code coverage is a useful thing. I remember when Relevance, now Cognitect, was putting 100 percent code coverage in their contracts. At the time, I thought it was a great idea. But they don’t do that anymore, and most people I know aren’t looking for 100 percent code coverage because you have to do silly things to get it.
ST: Like testing getters and setters?
JF: Exactly. Also testing framework methods. I don’t have any desire to test Joda-Time ever again. I want to be able to assume that Joda-Time works out of the box. I want to use it without having to fight some silly test coverage battle.
ST: You mentioned in passing that your 10-second test suites hit the file system and hit the database. Some would say that this doesn’t qualify as a unit test if it does something like that. What’s your take on that?
JF: In the first version of my book, I said unit tests were not allowed to cross boundaries: no messaging, no file system, no database. And unit tests were only allowed concrete classes as the class under test. Martin Fowler told me, “This will just not work. You’re not going to convince the industry that this is how to unit-test. There’s too much momentum from people who believe that unit testing is allowed to hit the database.” He convinced me that it was a bad plan to try to redefine it. I’ve come to terms with the fact that unit testing is such a general term that you just have to roll with it.
You can have tests that don’t hit the database or file system. These are the tests that you know are going to run fast, and that’s why you avoid those things. You have a bunch of tests that run really quickly and mock things out. That’s great because they give you some confidence. Then you have other tests that you know are going to run a little bit slower. Those tests are going to hit those things because that’s what you need them to do. At some point, you need to hit the database. But at the end of the day, you want at least one test that hits the database to ensure that integration is correct.
ST: Why did you write a book on the topic?
JF: There are some really good beginner books and books that give you a lot of detail. But there’s a big gap in between that I think the community will benefit from: Here’s how I like to write my unit tests. Here’s guidance in a big-picture way.
What I set out to do in the book was to take the experience I’ve picked up over the last dozen years and put it together in a way that shows more than the trivial blog-posting example. It takes a domain that people are familiar with. It takes some tests that start out looking awful and evolves them into a maintainable style.
Your 100,000,000th episode. (base 2)
Fantastic episode guys. Really liked the “if it’s not adding value, get rid of it” approach – that was an excellent takeaway. Unit tests should be adding value rather than getting 100% code coverage. Great listen.
Than you for the great show and lots of insigths!
I’m know reading through the preview of your book on leanpub and would definitely buy it. Not only, I’d try to spread the word by writing a blog post because I agree that there’s something missing out there. I noticed it when trying to convince other colleagues to test their code and every time the response was that the examples where too naive and weren’t applicable to real production code, specially when working with a legacy code base. And when I pointed them to xUnit Patterns they always looked at me like if I was crazy.
One thing that Jay said that got me thinking was that sometime tests written during TDD should be deleted and replaced with more maintainable ones. That’s like trading confidence in the code base with maintainability, not an easy thing to do in my opinion, but I can see the disadvantage of not doing so.
DHH’s point wasn’t that the tests were bad, but that TDD leads to ‘test-induced damage’. Having seen many code-bases written with unthinking TDD, I’d tend to agree.
The wonderful quality of such an assertion, however, is that it’s what Karl Popper would call a falsifiable statement. I also believe that it’s possible to falsify it, in the sense that it’s possible to use TDD to arrive at code that has no test-induced damage. As it turns out, this is much easier to do with functional programming than with object-oriented programming.
Most of this episode discussed unit testing in an object-oriented context, I think. Some practices and techniques stay the same in functional programming, but others differ. One of the most amazing changes happens when you start using property-based testing instead of example-based testing.
This is still unit testing, in my opinion, because it doesn’t touch boundaries (I don’t agree with Jay’s lack of definition of the term), but it’s another way of looking at testing. Some of the opinions put forth in this episode, such as only expecting literals, conflict with this sort of technique, though.
It’s hardly ‘early days’, though, as QuickCheck has been around since 1999.
About 10 or 15 minutes into the Michael Nygaard episode (257), Michael said something relevant to this discussion as well: that he often uses the REPL to experiment with models before committing to tests.
This has been my experience with F# and Haskell as well. The REPL takes the place of the explorative phase of TDD. Coming from OO TDD, this initially bothered me, because it meant that I was ‘throwing away’ tests (in the sense that I never wrote them), but here comes Jay, advocating that we do just that!
Again, what comes naturally to functional programmers is, apparently, a good way to do things 🙂
This was a great discussion between Stefan and Jay. This is one of the weakest aspects in my development capabilities and therefore I don’t get as much value from unit tests as I should. Great questions and really compelling answers made me rethink my opposition to many unit tests just to appease the code coverage % Nazi’s. Will order the book and use it to help in writing and re-factoring of tests. My goal is that it will help my functional code to be more maintainable as well.
[…] Software Engineering Radio #256 on Unit Testing […]
(I haven’t read the book)
I think Unit Testing discussions, including this show, end up up being a set of tips that sound reasonable on their own, but are hard to apply together.
Let’s say I’m writing tests for RemoveFromOrder method on Orders class. Jo said he gets sad when he sees more than one assert per test. Did he mean this literally?
Should I have a test to check if the CancelOrder call returns a not-null object
* then another one to check if the number of items on order decreased
* then another to check if other items are still there?
* then another to check if the items were returned to the warehouse (be it with a Mock or by testing state – irrelevant here).
* then another to check if the audit log was correctly generated?
* etc.
Should I have a separate test to check each individual field in the audit log?
I understand that there is a boundary when a test test becomes too complicated and tests should test one…hm…vector/variable but 1 (one) assert seem like a arbitrary number.
Should all that be written without a setup method which sets up the order in the first place?
I was left really confused. I wished that Stefan was more skeptical to what the guest was saying – even if just to bring the arguments home.
Having said all that, thank you for to both Stefan and Jo for tackling this very important topic.
Side note: Stefan, your voice is really low and I end up either not hearing you and hearing the guests comfortably or hearing you and loosing hearing when guests speak.
I agree. I’d consider myself a novice at best in SE and especially unit testing and it’s really thought-provoking hearing things like this. In the wild, you’ll continuously read articles that are pushing TDD but not often do you hear the bad parts about it. Sure, it’ll take some time for younger SEs to understand which tests actually add value, but at least now we can understand that some tests just don’t add value and might consume more time than needed.
Wow Fowler and this author really messed things up as far as the definition of unit tests. I have no idea what they are talking about as far coming across such loose definitions. All the definitions of unit testing that I have stumbled across over the years are very similar to the one the author originally wanted to promote. The more loose one he ended up going with is damaging to the community. Ironically, out of the author’s fear of fighting a losing battle of changing the definition and out of respect for Fowler, he is actually promoting a change to the definition that he will lose and that he knows is worse than the one he wanted to promote, which is the one generally promoted online already.
I agree we should question the value of tests, and not be particularly scared of deleting ones that don’t add value. I don’t know if this is necessarily disagreeing with anything you were saying, but I think it is an important point that many people miss. If a test is bringing the coverage closer to 100%, it probably is adding value. Programming is hard and if something is not thoroughly tested, there are probably unknown bugs that you would find and fix by adding tests. A lack of 100% coverage means some of your code is not tested at all by your tests. When your coverage is high, but under 100%, it is easier to get it up to 100% and keep it there than the alternative. The alternative, which I don’t think is normally possible, would be to accurately decide and track which parts of the code are important to cover and which parts are not. It is easier to just enforce 100% coverage on your CI server than to do that.
Fantastic interview. After recently being hired for a software testing job, this interview helped me understand that I didn’t even know the first thing about testing. I will take these tips back with me and improve my testing practice. Thanks SE radio!