Tim McNamara, author of Rust in Action, an introduction Rust for programmers who have never used a systems programming language, discusses the top three benefits of Rust and why they make it a performant, reliable and productive programming language...
Scott Hanselman discusses .NET with SE Radio host Jeremy Jung. They discuss what .NET means; intermediary languages and JIT compilation; why there are three runtimes; making the core runtime open source and cross platform; platform-specific code;...
Tim Sneath, product manager for Flutter and Dart at Google, discusses what Flutter is, why it was created, and where Dart came from, as well as what the different layers of Flutter are and why it’s so popular. Host Gavin Henry spoke with...
Vladimir Khorikov discusses functional programming in enterprise applications with Jeremy Jung. They cover immutability, the downsides of exceptions and null values, the difference between value objects and entities, refactoring existing projects...
Jens Gustedt, author of the Modern C book, former co-editor of the C standard document ISO/IEC 9899:2018 and a senior scientist at the French National Institute for Computer Science and Control (INRIA) discuss what is classed as Modern C, what is...
Sara Leen of XSEED Games discusses localizing, porting, and modernizing Japanese games with Jeremy Jung. They discuss what makes games different, learning a codebase, extracting/replacing text, text encoding, replacing art assets, rewriting games...
Howard Chu, CTO of Symas Corp and chief architect of the OpenLDAP project, discusses the key technical features of the Lightning Memory-mapped Database (LMDB) that make it one of the fastest, most efficient, and safest embedded data stores in the...
Jonathan Boccara, author of The Legacy Code Programmer’s Toolbox discusses understanding and working with legacy code. Working with legacy code is a key skill of professional software development that is often neglected. Host Adam Gordon Bell spoke...
Andrew Gerrand works on the Go programming language at Google. His conversation with Jeff begins with a history of the language, including the details behind how Go was conceived and how the open source community contributes to it. Andrew explains...
In this episode, Dirk talks with David Frankel, resident Metamodeller and MDA expert at SAP Labs LLC, SAP's subsidiary in the Silicon Valley. Dave's extensive experience provides a big picture, from the early days of CORBA all the way to current...