Frank McSherry, chief scientist at Materialize, talks about the Materialize streaming database, which supports real-time analytics by maintaining incremental views over streaming data. Host Akshay Manchale spoke with Frank about various ways in...
Howard Chu, CTO of Symas Corp and chief architect of the OpenLDAP project, discusses the key features of B+tree data structures, which are the default selection for efficient and predictable storage of sorted data. Host Gavin Henry spoke with Chu...
Julie Lerman discusses Object Relational Mappers and Entity Framework with Jeremy Jung. They talk about why we use relational databases with object oriented languages; the benefits of ORM query languages; how specialized databases are reducing the...
Spencer Kimball, Co-Founder and CEO of Cockroach Labs talks about CockroachDB, an open source distributed database system. Host Akshay Manchale spoke with Kimball about his past experience with relational databases that convinced him of the need for...
Pat Helland, who has been working on building data management systems since 1978, talks to host Akshay Manchale about Data Management at scale with Microservices. Pat talks about trends in storage and computing, state management, immutable data...
Pat Helland talks about building systems at web scale that are prepared to handle failure. Pat has been working on databases, transactions and distributed systems since 1978. Host Edaena Salinas spoke with Helland about the components of a system...
Bruce Momjian, a longtime Postgres developer, educator and consultant joins Robert Blumen for a discussion of the SQL query planner in the Postgres relational database. Topics covered include what is a query? How queries are evaluated by the server;...
Venue: Internet Fangjin Yang, creator of the Druid real-time analytical database, talks with Robert Blumen. They discuss the OLAP (online analytical processing) domain, OLAP concepts (hypercube, dimension, metric, and pivot), types of OLAP queries...
Recording Venue: Skype Guest: Michael Hunger Michael Hunger of Neo Technology, and a developer on the Neo4J database, joins Robert to discuss graph databases. Graph databases fall within the larger category of NoSQL databases but they are not...