Recording Venue: OOP
Guest(s): Tom DeMarco
and Peter Hruschka
Host(s): Markus
This episode is an interview with Tom DeMarco and Peter Hruschka about the new book of the Altantic Systems Guild:
Adrenaline Junkies and Template Zombies: Understanding Patterns of Project Behavior.
This is a session recorded live at OOP 2009. SE Radio thanks Tom and Peter, SIGS Datacom and the programme chair, Frances Paulisch, for their great support!
Tom DeMarco said (7 min 43 secs into the podcast) that Søren
Kierkegaard was Norwegian.
That is incorrect. He was Danish.
E.g from Wikpedia: “… 19th century Danish philosopher …
was born to an affluent family in Copenhagen”
Peter Mortensen