Doug Schmidt

SE Radio 191: Massively Open Online Courses

Recording Venue: Skype
Guest: Douglas C. Schmidt
In this episode we talk with Douglas C. Schmidt, who is a professor of computer science at Vanderbilt University and a well-respected authority in the fields of patterns and frameworks for concurrent and networked software. In this interview we talk about these topics in the context of massive open online courses, which are a disruptive technology trend that is profoundly affecting how education is delivered around the world.

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  • Very interesting episode. Thanks for pursuing this topic. Please spend a little time processing the audio file. Having the interviewer in one ear and the speaker in the other with no bleed between is very disturbing with headphones.

  • I really liked the content, but I do not like when the host and the guest are in separate channels. I prefer when I hear both of them on both speakers. In environments with noise that makes it easier to understand what is said with lower volume.

  • Thank you for the heads up. We have remixed the file and replaced it. We appreciate the input!

  • It would also be nice if you fill in the mp3 file’s metadata again 🙂 Great content as usual.

  • This has been a great episode… I am going to suggest to all my IEEE Partners in the student branch of my university to check out the oportunities to learn in Coursera… Those are great resources for IT related people in developing countries, where classes at university are not updated and do not reflex the environment and requirements of today’s IT Industry.

  • Thanks Yossi, we’ve fixed that as well and will see that we include the metadata from here on out. Keep the good advice and comments coming, everyone!

  • I was probably in the first wave of students to sign up for Dr. Schmidt’s coursera course. This will be my third MOOC experience. I completed Algorithms Part I four months ago, and I’m in the middle of Game Theory now. I’m scheduled for General Game Playing in April and Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps in June.

    I’m in the older end of the 30-50 age range mentioned in the podcast. Actually, I’m a year or two beyond this range. I’ve been a software professional since 1985. MOOCs are a great way for me learn more.

    My coursera experience has been extremely positive so far. One aspect of MOOCs not pointed out by Dr. Schmidt is the interaction with fellow students through the discussion boards. We ask and answer each others questions. There are even heated debates from time to time – however everyone is civil. I haven’t read any name calling yet. The lectures present the material, but I absorb the material through the discussion boards and assignments.

    As for Dr. Schmidt’s class, I have been a student of the GoF design patterns for the past 10+ years. I would like to learn more about distributing and concurrent computing, so I’m looking forward to learning how to apply the patterns I mostly know to problems for which I would like to know more.

  • Fantastic episode – I enjoyed listening to this and I wish Douglas great success with the launch of his Patterns course.

  • Wow this is an amazing. I’m going to take this class if It allows me to start late.


    I am learning this course at coursera. Thanks for your teaching master.

    Regards from Ecuador.

  • just stumbled here when i was looking for podcasts to keep me company on the drive to work and was like “Hey, I know that face! He’s my coursera professor!”

    Since i’ve had such a great experience with coursera I’ll be adding this feed. Coursera is great. I’ve only completed 2 out of 7 due to job changes, kids, and life-in-general geting in the way, -but hey its free!

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