Axel rauschmayer

SE Radio 248: Axel Rauschmayer on JavaScript and ECMAScript 6

Venue: ThoughtWorks Werkstatt, Berlin during the JSConf week
Johannes Thönes
talks to author and speaker Axel Rauschmayer about JavaScript and ECMAScript 6. They first talk about JavaScript’s origin and history. They discuss the standardization of ECMAScript and the version history. Then, they dive into the key concept of JavaScript as a language and explain the new features coming into the language with the ECMAScript 6 standard: modules, classes, maps and sets, promises, generators, proxies, and weak maps.

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  • Great Show guys! It was very nice to hear Axel besides just reading his blog 🙂 I enjoyed to hear comparisons on OOP and FP (Java and JavaScript on inheritance), new features of ES2015 especially real use of generators.
    Keep up the good work.

  • Very informative, as always. I have been working with JavaScript for quite a while, but there´s a lot o point that I simply ignored, and this podcast really opened up my eyes to several aspects of the ECMAScript standard. Thank you!

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