Tim McNamara, author of Rust in Action, an introduction Rust for programmers who have never used a systems programming language, discusses the top three benefits of Rust and why they make it a performant, reliable and productive programming language...
Davide Bedin, a cloud solution architect at Microsoft and professional Dapr enthusiast joined host Jeff Doolittle to discuss his book, Practical Microservices with Dapr and .NET. Dapr (the Distributed Application Runtime; ) simplifies cloud-native...
Venue: Internet Josh Long talks to Pivotal’s Andrew Clay Shafer about the state of platforms-as-a-service (PaaS; like Cloud Foundry). They cover how pass relates to the fast-evolving container-ready distributed runtimes such as Lattice...
Venue: Skype Senior performance architect and author of *Systems Performance* Brendan Gregg talks with Robert Blumen about systems performance: how the hardware and OS layers affect application behavior. The discussion covers the scope of systems...
Venue: Loggly office, San Francisco, California Robert Blumen talks to Jon Gifford of Loggly about logging and logging infrastructure. Topics include logging defined, purposes of logging, uses of logging in understanding the run-time behavior of...