Michael Fazio, Engineering Manager (Android) at Albert and author of Kotlin and Android Development featuring Jetpack from the Pragmatic Programmers, speaks with SE Radio’s Gavin Henry about how the Android ecosystem looks today, and why...
Tim Sneath, product manager for Flutter and Dart at Google, discusses what Flutter is, why it was created, and where Dart came from, as well as what the different layers of Flutter are and why it’s so popular. Host Gavin Henry spoke with...
Boris Cherny, author of Programming TypeScript, speaks with Nate Black explaining how TypeScript can scale Javascript projects to larger teams, larger code bases, and across devices. TypeScript is a “gradually typed” language, which allows you to...
Nate Black interviews Jonathan Stark on Mobile App development. Topics include: platforms for mobile development, making decisions about how to develop mobile apps, how to deploy mobile apps, native apps vs. progressive web apps, React Native, and...