Tim Post of echoreply.io discusses rubber duck debugging, a way to wrap your head around problems and solutions. SE Radio host Felienne spoke with Post about rubber duck debugging, and how it can help you find answers to complex problems. The show...
Bob Nystrom, author of Crafting Interpreters and a software engineer at Google working on the Dart programming language, discusses the key features of Dart that make it an excellent choice for fast apps on any platform. Host Gavin Henry spoke with...
Margaret Burnett of Oregon State University spoke with SE Radio’s Felienne about GenderMag, a way to assess the inclusivity of software. This episode explores ‘inclusivity bugs’ — issues that might impede software’s...
Felienne talks to Diomidis Spinellis about debugging. The discussion covers: defining “debugging” which can mean using a debugger or the process of finding and removing bugs; how is it done best; variation across different programming languages or...
Jonathan Boccara, author of The Legacy Code Programmer’s Toolbox discusses understanding and working with legacy code. Working with legacy code is a key skill of professional software development that is often neglected. Host Adam Gordon Bell spoke...
Ben Sigelman CEO of LightStep and co-author of the OpenTracing standard discusses distributed tracing, a form of event-driven observability useful in debugging distributed systems, understanding latency outlyers, and delivering “white box” analytics...
Venue: Internet Donny Nadolny of PagerDuty joins Robert Blumen to tell the story of debugging an issue that PagerDuty encountered when they set up a Zookeeper cluster that spanned across two geographically separated datacenters in different regions...
In this episode we're talking to Andreas Zeller. about debugging. We started the discussion with an explanation of what debugging and how it works in principle. We then briefly discussed the relationship between debugging and testing. Next was the...
This episode is a discussion with Jonathan Aldrich (Assistant Professor at CMU) about static analysis. The discussion covered theory as well as practice and tools. We started with an explanation of what static analysis actually is, which kinds of...