Shannon Selbert, co-founder of Soren and developer of Oban, and Parker Selbert, creator of the Oban background job framework, chief architect at dscout and co-founder of Soren, speak with SE Radio host Gavin Henry about robust job processing in...
Frank McSherry, chief scientist at Materialize, talks about the Materialize streaming database, which supports real-time analytics by maintaining incremental views over streaming data. Host Akshay Manchale spoke with Frank about various ways in...
Michael L. Perry discusses his recently published book, The Art of Immutable Architecture. Using familiar examples such as git and blockchain, he distinguishes immutable architecture from other approaches and addresses possible misunderstandings...
Venue: Internet Robert Blumen talks to Christopher Meiklejohn about conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs). The discussion covers forms of consistency in distributed systems; conflicts and conflict resolution algorithms; consistency and...