Yi Pan, lead maintainer of Apache Samza discusses the internals of the Samza project as well as the Stream Processing ecosystem. Host Adam Conrad spoke with Pan about the three core aspects of the Samza framework, how it compares to other streaming...
Adar Lieber-Dembo from Cloudera discusses Apache Kudu, which is a columnar data storage system for fast analytics and fast ingestion of large datasets. Kudu takes its inspiration from systems in the Hadoop ecosystem, but it addresses many of their...
Venue: Internet Jeff Meyerson talks with Frances Perry about Apache Beam, a unified batch and stream processing model. Topics include a history of batch and stream processing, from MapReduce to the Lambda Architecture to the more recent Dataflow...
Venue: Internet Jeff Meyerson talks to Haoyuan Li about Alluxio, a memory-centric distributed storage system. The cost of memory and disk capacity are both decreasing every year–but only the throughput of memory is increasing exponentially. This...
Venue: Internet Ben Hindman talks to Jeff Meyerson about Apache Mesos, a distributed systems kernel. Mesos abstracts away many of the hassles of managing a distributed system. Hindman starts with a high-level explanation of Mesos, explaining the...